
We know how hard it can be to track down the right information you need about a certain creature. So, we compiled a list of our favorite sources and affiliates to help guide you along the way!

We’ve found these resources to be the most concise with information while offering a large range of availability and information. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

Resources and Affiliates of ReptiSnack:

The Critter Depot
Looking for other bugs that we don’t offer on ReptiSnack? Check out Critter Depot. They have everything you need, free shipping, and quality feeders!
• Clint’s Reptiles
Perfect for in-depth details about almost any pet reptile you could ever ask for!
Northern Exotics
This guy is amazing. He offers candid information to help any reptile owner get setup for success.
New England Reptiles, (NERD), is an educational source for the reptile owner that wants to do more than just the basics. From working with cobras to teaching you how to communicate with your reptile, NERD has a little bit of everything.
 Derpetology Facebook Group
Because everyone needs a good laugh!
• Bada Bing Botanicals
Our go-to source for all your plant needs. Building a bioactive? Want disease-free, pest-free, healthy plants? Bada Bing is the place!